There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
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Sunday, October 1, 2006

Knitting Questions from Someone Else's Blog

This was in the blog of Tina and I know it is for some secret pal thing (because it had "SP" in the title!) but I thought it would be fun to answer the questions anyway, to see what's up with me and all that. Hope it's OK to do this!

1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like? I like wool that is soft the best, though I also love alpaca and silk. I guess most natural fibers. Nowadays there are some manmade things I also like, so I guess I have not answered the question. OK. I got it. From a knitting experience perspective, I like Lorna's Laces Heaven mohair. I just love the way it feels running through my hands. For wearing I like Zephyr in shawls. I like silk and silk blends against my skin (ooh that Alchemy stuff, yum). For socks, Trekking feels nice, and I think that Peace Fleece looks nicest--great sheen.

2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in? Straights are in a new Longaberger basket I just got yesterday. I forget what it is called, but it is fairly tall and thin. Circulars are in a hanging needle case with pansy fabric on it that I special ordered from a nice ebay lady.

3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? I learned to knit when I was 8 from the usual grandmother, and taught myself purl and the other basic skills from the green book that had crochet, knitting and tatting in it that everyone in the 60s owned. After that, I learned from books. Of course, I purled the wrong way for a long time, thanks to not understanding the diagrams, but I honestly didn't know anyone else who knitted until grad school. Now I have figured all that out, and am careful to teach how to not twist stitches whether I am teaching English or Continental style knitting. I'd say I am an advanced knitter, in that there are few things I probably could not knit (a lot I would not WANT to knit), but I don't think I know all the interesting techniques out there, or am the most skilled. But, I am quite obsessed with learning more!

4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? I have an Amazon one but do not use it.

5. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products, etc.) food smells. Rose and violet. Which interestingly enough you can now buy in detergent and fabric softener. I stocked up.

6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy? I prefer salty to sweet, probably, but do love caramels and dulce de leche anything.

7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin? I want to learn to spin. I am a good crocheter, and have made a few quilts (but am not great at sewing). I am good at embroidery and needlepoint. I learned to tat but don't do it much. I like ceramics but have not done it in a long time. I am a very poor painter.

8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? Oh, since I do not have a secret pal this matters little. I do have a lovely Creative Zen MP3 player with a lot on it. I listen to rock and folk mostly, plus classical and New Age. I have a wide range of tastes, but my favorites are complex harmonies, complex guitar parts, and lots of layers of sound (Springsteen).

9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand? Purple is #1 and green is #2. I like them all, in the proper context, but have never been really fond of orange. Like it better now.

10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets? I have a roommate/partner who is a musician. I have two sons, 15 and 13. A pug and a blind corgi. A tabby cat who is normal. A blue parakeet. Lots of tropical fish though my red-tailed shark died.

11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos? Sure. For decorative purposes.

12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? socks and shawls.

13. What are you knitting right now? socks in 4x2 rib, just started yesterday and already on the gusset. A baby blanket/shawl in suri alpaca laceweight, a faroese shawl in Helen's Lace, a vest in an angora/wool blend, light blue Lang yarn.

14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts? You bet. Especially jewelry

15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? circular, rosewood, ebony or bamboo.

16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift? yes to both

17. How old is your oldest UFO? I still have something I was working on for my mother who died in 1984. Can't bear to part with it.

18. What is your favorite holiday? May Day

19. Is there anything that you collect? anything with pansies on it, and Longaberger baskets

20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? I have all the books I want except the Aran book by Alice Starmore from the 80s--I can't believe I bought all her books EXCEPT that one. I get a bunch of knitting magazines. Vogue, Interweave, Knitter's...I like patterns. They make me think so I can go make something else up.

21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? Probably but I can't think of any right now. Let's see. Spinning. Dyeing with something other than KoolAid. Ah, I have never needle felted or knitted with wire--that would be fun.

22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements? Oh yes. Lots and lots of socks. Just look at my Flikr sock photo collection! US women's size 7.5

23. When is your birthday? (mm/dd) 03/05, one day before Customer Suzanne (as opposed to Employee Suzanne) from the knitting shop.


Barbara said...
Not only is it okay, I love it! I also stole it for my own blog. :) Say how to do like working with Helen's Lace? I've seen it and thought about trying some for a shawl or something.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006 4:57:00 PM

Suna said...
Hey, Barbara. The Helen's Lace is a bit slippery but has a lovely soft texture and a nice sheen. The colors are spectacular. The suri alpaca is REALLY something. I think the blanket/shawl I am making will be a "wedding ring" shawl, because it sure is fine.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006 5:20:00 PM

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