There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
You are very welcome here, so feel free to comment and contribute!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday's Feast Plus

Peekaboo! I am looking at you through a scarf I finished last night. It's gotten pretty cold, so I am glad I finished it. I also finished Lee's cardigan, and to my relief not only did he like it, but it fit! I'll have a post about it on the knitting blog, or you can look at this picture of Lee not looking as thrilled as he feels.

The knitting cheered me up, since there's no new job action, and I am feeling sad for a couple of friends--one's estranged parents got hit by a car and killed as they crossed the street to church, and another's parents lost a beloved pet rather suddenly. There are some pretty icky illnesses in my dad's side of the family as well. Sigh. At least we are all getting healthy. Lee is much improved.

OK, off to the fluff and fun of Friday's Feast...

Appetizer: What is your favorite beverage?
I must name three! Cold = Diet Coke with Lime. Hot = Freshly ground coffee. Alcoholic = Drambuie/Ace Pear Cider (hard to decide)

Soup: Name 3 things that are on your computer desk at home or work.
1. My black Notebook of Knowledge that has all my work and job notes.
2. The camera--always ready to upload new pix
3. A pug on a spring (on the second monitor)

Salad: On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are?
9. I think honesty is important. But I am afraid that I have been known to bend the truth so as to not hurt someone unnecessarily. Like I didn't tell my dying mother my boyfriend and I were breaking up, so she could die happy about our future--she loved both of us so much.

Main Course: If you could change the name of one city in the world, what would you rename it and why?
Gosh, this isn't a huge concern to me. Maybe I'd change Normal, Illinois. It has to be hard to live up to that (yes, I know what it means--it's where the teaching college was).

Dessert: What stresses you out? What calms you down?
My friends are laughing now. They will say EVERYTHING stresses me out. I do have anxiety disorder to a small extent.

My biggest stressors: Not having enough money/a job, discord at home, being around loud discordant noises, crowds.

Calming influences: knitting, being alone in silence, controlled breathing.

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