There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
You are very welcome here, so feel free to comment and contribute!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Make Bucks Doing What You Like!

I am really happy to report that, even though I just suffered a rather devastating and not expected at this time reduction in income, I did not wallow in despair more than about a day or so! I have already applied for a couple of interesting new jobs and taken on more knitting classes to teach (yay). And I updated my websites for both my knitting stuff and my web design/online community work, so if anyone actually reads a resume by me, the website they go to will not be all about what I did in 2004, the last time I thought it was time to mosey on to other employment opportunities.

Don't worry coworkers, I am not going anywhere at the moment. But, it is always good to have options, and I do need to make up for that loss of income! Luckily, a couple of clients have paid up this week, too.

I am just so proud of myself for remaining optimistic and positive. So Nyah Nyah Nyah to whoever out there in the universe has been piling negativity and unkindness on me for the past few months (which is why I have not posted). I banish theeeeeee!!!

Oh, and what the heck, I will include another picture of a finished knitted object. This is the longest, warmest (two layers), most luxurious scarf, made from beautiful Japanese yarn that shades into all sorts of interesting colors. I could not decide how to fringe it, after it was all done, so I made up a bobbled fringe that I just love! And I cannot believe it, but people actually buy the pattern for it! Thanks, people!

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