There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
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Monday, August 28, 2006

In Memoriam, Mallorn

Did you know, a mallorn is a tree from Lord of the Rings? It is! And the site of my former web host, but, it has to go away in a few months. No longer a money maker, and my pal is going to no longer have his last bit account. No big loss. And my pal will be moving on to better things. I just think of him sometimes and hope things get better for him. He reminds me of a younger version of my Dear Partner. Anyway, I loved my email address that had mallorn in it--I had it a long, long time. Long live boring new email address from RoadRunner.

OK, enough dwelling on past buddies (not that he's gone, still a buddy), there, to the left is the yarn I dyed, all balled up nicely. Now the two in center front are already part of a bag I am knitting. The orange-ish one is the EXACT color of wonderful, ripe peaches. So if you ever want to dye yarn to look like a peach, use all the yellow and orange KoolAid.

Many good things in the past few days, since I am hurrying I will summarize:

  • Today it rained. Finally. I had never seen rain out the ALE window.
  • I had a big knitting class on Saturday and a small one. Both were great fun.
  • I got to go out with my friends Saturday night, and I said dumb things, but it also was fun.
  • The dear children, partner and I went shopping yesterday, and I got Robin Wood tarot for the young one and CLOTHING for me. Major fun.
  • I met a lot of very smart techie guys at work. These are the smartest dudes in the WHOLE WORLD when it comes to tech support. That is very cool. I realized I missed guys like that (mallorn fellow is one of those)
  • Dear Partner fellow shared this article saying tea is better for you than water. Cool.

All right, my hands hurt. Time to go knit. HA HA that also involves my hands. Oh the irony.

Jody tells me not to get involved with married men. Thanks. I have that one figured out, finally. My ideal: not a married, unmarried, or even alive. Nor dead. Just no dudes. Good night.

It's a good knitting week. I finished the body of the Heaven shawl from Knitters I am working on. Not too big, but should be OK once it has a border and is blocked. It sure will be nice and warm.

translation: I have an inkling that I like Lee, or I would not have gone on and on about not wanting to get involved. This was when we were doing the T3 for Vista, and Lee and I spent a long time doing weird goof off things like looking at every house we ever lived in on Google Maps while the techies went over other people's documents. I was having fun with my friend. Not wanting to date.


KillerPeach!!! said...
That yarn IS the exact color of ripe peaches. And I would add, not only ripe peaches, but KillerPeaches. {heh heh heh, you knew that was coming, right?}Sounds like you're saying you're going to go chasing after the womyn, huh? If dudes aren't allowed, that must be the alternative....As long as they aren't married!
Monday, August 28, 2006 9:39:00 PM

deb said...
LOVE the Yarn. Great Colors!!!!
Saturday, September 02, 2006 2:16:00 AM

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