Now I understand why I drew the Death card on Saturday. Well, if I choose to believe any of that has any actual tie with reality (agnostic until the end...).
I'm a technical writer, so this is my place to write something that's not technical. Sure, a lot of this is just for me, but I am happy so share all the ups and downs of an actual grownup who's trying to get both smart and wise. It's definitely a journey.
Ya know how, once a month, women get all moody and clumsy and just don't feel "there"? It's that day for me. So, I have left my purse/badge/phone at home, gotten discouraged at work I have done, felt depressed after a meeting that is supposed to cheer the staff up...blah. I guess I should be glad I have not managed to offend the boss today (I did that a couple of days ago, by being too informal). I am back to where I was this time last year and really worrying about jobs. I guess it's time to worry. On the good side:
I've had lots of practice messing up how I deal with anger in the RM situation. I'd be patient, kind, caring and firm, but eventually I'd lash out, and because I had not had much practice in getting that angry before, I was unable to handle it constructively. I did eventually learn to bring up strong concerns earlier, to not let my hot buttons get triggered so easily, and to use all the skills I already had to deal with his explosions pretty well (my anger at him came, for the most part, when he got irrational, misunderstood situations, and blamed me). I felt it worth the effort, since I lived in the same house with him and really did need to learn to get along.
Well, you see, I do not live in the same house with the STBX woman. And I am coming to see that I feel a stronger need to fight unjust treatment when it comes to those I love than I do when it comes to me. When the STBX treats Lee irrationally, misunderstands situations (on purpose, as a manipulative tool) and engages in blaming behavior, it triggers MY defenses. Then, if Lee reacts to her like I used to react to Jeff (just going along with her so prevent a confrontation), then I get all righteously indignant that he should NOT do as I do (did) but should do as I SAY! See, it sounds funny when I type it out, but I just want to help him become the strong, confident person he really can be when not dominated by an angry vindictive person who is used to getting her way by intimidation and passive-aggressive behavior. That is the kind of energy I do not want in my life.
But, I am not coping like Super Suna on this front. Shit, I kicked a soda machine, like a petulant child but with very big Doc Martens on when I found out the latest stunt the Drama Queen of All Time decided to pull. A lot of it is frustration that I can't deal with this stuff myself (it is not my thing to do, in any case). I am not pleased that as a result of her manipulation of HIM, I am also being manipulated (I am getting two additional dogs before my home and possessions were ready to get them). And I want to support Lee and hold him up so he can do the best he can, not make him feel bad. I am afraid my anger at the STBX's ways of interacting might come across as anger at HIM for not "doing something" about it (it doesn't help that I said, in frustration, yesterday, "make her go away"). I am not angry at Lee, just hoping he can get through this stuff in such a way that will minimize future contact with the negative energy that does neither one of us any good.
Because I have to admit this: after the treatment I received from the people at Ye Olde Spiritual Community, the deceptions and unkindnesses I dealt with at the Dysfunctional Nonprofit Organization, and the difficulty I had getting through my own divorce (yes, yes, I learned a lot from all of this), and what I learned during the difficult times with RM, I do not want to bring game-playing, manipulative and vindictive energy into my life. I am a little irritated at myself for letting that happen.
On the other hand: the world's full of that kind of negative crap, and you can't avoid it altogether, just try to learn to deal with it better. It is so many people's primary mode of interaction that you can't avoid it altogether. I just want none of it in my "inner circle" of people I have to deal with closely. I guess I will need to do a ritual to separate the STBX energy from my personal inner circle, while allowing Lee to gradually remove it from his at his own pace.
And: Lee's personal energy has NONE of those features I want to avoid. Absolutely none--it is probably what first drew me to him. Since I am so close to him on so many levels, I am very, very confident that he truly is honest, incredibly kind, endearingly flawed in ways that match my own flaws, and in many ways strong. It's just hard to get out of a pattern of playing weak to avoid pain. Now, really, how can I judge THAT personality trait, since it is such a strong one in me?
So, I am sitting at work, watching the outside temperatures fall, waiting for Lee to bring the immense yet sweet dogs, one with needle-like puppy teeth poised to gnaw at my chairs and tables, so they can live at my house. In my car. Which means STBX knows my car now. Oh well, driving mine in to work at noon today seemed like a good idea at the time. It was not covered by an inch of ice.
I plan to learn a lot about changing locks, restraining orders, and such to try to help prevent her from pulling future Dramatic Stunts like camping out at Lee's house without his permission wailing, "the dogs are in DANGER!" (yeah, right--many PEOPLE have less food, shelter and attention...he was out there every day but ONE, when he would have been endangering his own life to go out--how can a dead dude feed and house animals?). I do not plan to play her games, and this is her last chance to give it a try. Lee sees that when you stand up to a bully, they back down. And I certainly know that first hand in my own home.
Just wish me luck this evening. I hope everyone gets along as my house becomes more and more full. I just want it to be full of love. I need to get back to the Strength card, and deal with all this stuff with love and patience. Tough love.
The picture at left is Work Boy #2's windmill from yesterday morning. Doesn't it look cool that all the blades have icicles? That's because it kept spinning all night.
So we have all been staying home and feeling cooped up for a couple of days. We have enough food, so all is well, and everyone's been splitting up the cooking. I did 5 loads of laundry yesterday, and today cleaned out my closet and lingerie drawers while Lee cleaned out some other drawers. RM gave him half the closet his clothing is in, so there is now at least space for Lee's clothing. Apparently he lives here now.
And that leads to the dog problem. We left them a lot of food and water on Sunday before the weather got bad, and they have access to the large kitchen area, with pillows to lie on and stuff. But we were unable to get out yesterday, nor should we today. This has led to hysterical phone calls and passive-aggressive emails from the STBX that Lee is "abusing" the animals. We aren't particularly happy with the arrangement, either, and are getting a doggie door and gates so we can bring them here ASAP. We did not plan on a severe weather emergency popping up before we could get the house puppy proofed. Sigh. So, even though it's incredibly dangerous out, Lee is poking his way to the house to check on the animals.
What really galls me is that the STBX thinks that the way to get Lee to do stuff is to send ME email telling me what a bad person I am if I do not get him to do what she tells me to do, and threatening, "I will know if you read this email." Yeah, sure, she'd know if I were stupid enough to accept the "read receipt" message. If I click "never," she does not ever get to know. I digress. He'd planned to go to the house today anyway, but now it will look like STBX is "right" and make her feel all self satisfied. Sigh, this should not matter to me. I am letting her draw me into her dysfunctional drama. So, I'll just stop that right now. Lee will do what is right because it is right, and really, who cares how anyone else feels as a result?
Aww, isn't he cute? Today was the Younger Boy's big day in the sun. In the morning he got a citizenship award at school, for being so helpful in his multimedia class. The Older Boy never got one, in all three years of middle school (even though, of course, he was a model citizen--just never stood out enough, and each teacher only gets to nominate one kid per 6 weeks). So, that was like a cattle call, but nice, and his teacher really said some nice things about him to me. I am SO grateful this guy decided to be a middle school multimedia teacher. He has created a safe place for some of these nerdy kids to go before school and during homeroom to hang out, and is so supportive of these kids.
This same teacher is the one who encouraged Younger Boy to do the art that got him these Reflections awards he's been getting. The photo shows his art award at the District level, which he got last night in a fairly fancy ceremony at the Performing Arts Center (woo). The judging for the region is next month. The award is really nice, and is engraved on the back. This kind of recognition has to be good for a boy who was barely functional in 4th grade. It's so nice to see him smiling and happy, and really doing fine with all the changes (the entire Peaceful Commune went to the ceremony--that's RM in the background, while Lee took the picture). Now I just need to get him to stand up straight. He is growing so fast, and has that teen slump happening.
Things are actually going pretty well, though I am a little overwhelmed with "things to do" this week. Wow, was yesterday full, for example:
Note that left no downtime. Today of course, I would ideally cram updating the knitting shop website, going to Barnes and Noble, going to feed Lee's dogs, the Live Oak Coffeehouse, and shopping for undies in the hours after work. Oh sure, yeah. My current belief is that many of these items will not happen. I just need to knock off some of these things. And lately weekends are crammed, too. I hope tomorrow there is SOME optional time. The plan is to work on one of our houses, depending on how much rain there is.
Exciting, huh.
This test TOTALLY cracked me up, folks. Especially when Tina came out as Saddam Hussein. I said to Work Boy #2, "I bet I am Mother Theresa." HA HA HA. Look at me, I'm a Macedonian dwarf. I have got to start being more ruthless. BTW, Work Boy #2 came out as Abe Lincoln, "a mild mannered assassination victim" (only on the test they spelled "assassination" wrong).
Please, dear readers, report your results to me.
Lee reports that he is Abe Lincoln, too. I am surrounded by such nice guys.