I am thrilled to present my Sockatta cotton/wool blend sock for you to enjoy. Thrilled because the last couple of times I have tried to add a photo, it hasn't worked. Also was glad to finish these, though they were a fun pair to work on, and very fun to wear. The stripe pattern sure is interesting. I got the two socks to match fairly closely, so I consider that a success It's a 4x2 rib, and that seems a good choice on a cottony sock. It stays up nicely, and feels pretty good.
Now I am working on "walking away socks" (the one in the middle of the photo, if you have the pattern) and have finished one of them already. It's in sport weight yarn, so the first one went quickly. They'll be nice and warm with clogs or birks.
I got some new sock yarn this week--one a Schaeffer yarn from the usual store, which is in blues and teals and SO soft. I hope it's sock yarn and not shawl yarn... and the other is very happy Socks That Rock that Jody brought me back from her yarn buying fest in New York. She was so nice to bring her friends so much yarn! Even though one blob of reddish yarn sorta looked like a tumor or someone's liver to me...Anyway, there was some other really interesting looking blue/green yarn that came in this week and I got enough to make mittens and socks. Really, I'll get to it all sometime. And I got chunky yarn to make that cabled purse everyone is making one of--I do like the purse, and I think I'll like it in the colors of that yarn.
Marching band season is over at last. Yay. The older boy's band came in 15th, which is in the middle of the pack at Area. Katie and I ran over from the yarn shop to watch it, and it didn't traumatize the former drum major TOO much to be at a contest again. It was nice to have an "expert" observer with me. Plus, I also taught two more people to knit yesterday and did a class on felted holiday ornaments. Whee.
I spent a lot of time thinking about applying for that job last night and today (good to have something to think about when the minister is telling about stuff you already know--Jewish death/funeral rituals). Then I came home, wrote what I will choose to believe is a kick-ass cover letter, and applied. I am so glad Work Man looked over my resume and gave me some tips. I asked for support during Joys and Concerns, and I am sure all those vibes will be helpful! Plus my online friends are sending thoughts.
Got a lot of hugs at the Ye Olde Spiritual Centre today. A couple folks were real sweet--I think it will be a real relief to my friend Scott if I get this job, so he'll feel better about the one I lost out on where he works. In any case, I am sure something will come up for me. After my big dip into self-doubt and general downer-ness last week, I am back to feeling OK about myself and my prospects. Hard not to with such great support.
I have a couple more stories, but am so tired I will stop here and maybe post more later.
translation: Lee and I had lunch together looking over the resume. After that we had lunch a lot. Because it was fun.
Anonymous who is really Tina said...
Okay, so I now need some good "healthy" thoughts. I've missed the last two days of work, have tomorrow off normally. I went to ARC yesterday (YAY for them being open on Saturdays!), and found out that I have an ear infection and maybe strep throat.He didn't do a strep test, because he was 90% sure I had it, I wouldn't have gotten the results from the culture until Monday (or something like that), and the antibiotics he gave me for the ear infection will knock out the strep, too.But, yeah, generally icky. Kat can't wait to meet you, and I think she was to learn how to knit! YAY!
Sunday, October 29, 2006 10:32:00 PM
Sam said...
How long do we have to wait (and do YOU have to wait) to learn about the job???The candles continue to burn for you.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 6:25:00 PM