There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bad Dreams, Bad Luck

Last night I had an icky dream. I was out of town, doing something with NJ. Various things happened, including an exercise class. But then we were leaving. She got in a big station wagon to drive off. I got a call from Dear Partner who said to hurry home, the war was worse, really worse. We might not make it. I tried to yell out to NJ, but got all hoarse (ooh, throat chakra issues strike again), just tried to tell her I loved her. Then I got in a long line of cars, trying to get home, but kept sliding off the road. I kept crying for the kids. Yow, that sure shows what I am worried about in a nutshell! The world is going to heck and I can't express to my friends how much I care and what I really feel. Sniffle.

I am really sad that the TX conference for members of the organization where I used to work is this weekend, and I don't get to go. I could, but no funds, and to be honest, I feel like a disgraced former employee that no one would want to see (other than a few friends, of course--they'd like to see me!). I guess I just don't want to see the Queen of Cups. I sure don't like having to curtail seeing friends because of this situation. But, I am supposed to be moving on anyway.

It is not a "lucky" day. Maybe I should grab a green rock. I spilled coffee all over myself on the way to work, then found out I won't get paid until next week, thanks to no one recording my hours for me, like I had asked everyone I could think of to do. Yeah, none of them are on the brink of no funds, so for them a week's delay is not important. Sigh. It'll get better.


sandy said...
Well, crap. That's all I can say.
Thursday, July 20, 2006 5:32:00 PM

Deb said...
You were very missed at the conf Sue Ann. There were several sessions that I attended that your praises were sang very loudly by several people. I don't think there was a leader there that did not miss you. I know I certainly did.
Sunday, July 23, 2006 9:47:00 PM

Nancy Jo said...
Um. I gotta say that the "war" that is getting worse might be between you and the DP. And even if you never told me you loved me again, I would still know it. I just wouldn't be driving a station wagon. Hmmm.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:43:00 AM

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