Lots of good knitting news to report. I finally got the photos of the faroese shawl in finished form, so I can share it! There's a back view as well--maybe for another day.
I also finished the rainbow shrug, which ended up having a yellow trim, since I used up ALL the yarn the store had in that expensive ribbon. It looks pretty good, but is slippery, so it keeps falling off. Look for a photo next post, or in Flikr (link in sidebar), soon as I get that photo and this one in there.
And Icarius is happy--soon as I finish making lots of web pages, I will get to work on it again, and I will finally get to the excitement of Chart 2! I have been on Chart 1 for 7 repeats now, and I am ready to move on to something a little more challenging!
And in good news of the non-knitting kind, my dear chilluns came home last night, and it is so good to see their wiry sunburned selves again! Nice to hear voices, the sounds of World of Warcraft...well, the messes will not be thrilling, but everything else about having them around is swell. I am very pleased that they enjoyed their camp this year, both of them, and that everything seemed to go more smoothly with their other family. The ideal is for them to be happy in both homes--they are what matters most. Which is all good, since I have been peeved at the children's male parent since he accused me of "defaming" him in some bio I wrote on my high school alumni site. I had no clue what he was talking about, but when I finally found it, it was a fairly neutral description. I just removed him. Easiest to just remove any mention of his existence, but I can't completely, since the children need both parents, and there are all these irritating mutual decisions coming up (cars, insurance, colleges, ugh). But, that is for later.
I have been doing well--enjoying the new job a bit more, enjoying the people there a lot, getting interesting tarot insights, and feeling a bit more chipper, like my old self. Glad to see things slowly improving. That's the way I want them to go!
translation: I have met Lee. I thought he was nice. I found out we had a lot of odd things in common. So I liked the people at work. Liked.
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