There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Becoming Modern

Look, it's Lee in a suit. It's a way smaller one than he has had in the past, so that is great. And it has a silk jacket, mmm, and a new tie, oooh. So I made him stand there so I could take a picture of him, looking like he wished he were elsewhere. Well, he was going to a funeral, and not a real fun one, so I can't blame him for looking a bit pained.
Poor Lee (poorly); I have been dragging him into the modern world these days. The kids are helping. Kynan insisted he get on AIM last night, so we could all type to each other while in the same room. Kynan has turned into Mr. IM lately--I can't believe how fast both the boys type. I hope I can get a job with IM allowed so I can say hi to the kids. Of course, no saying hi at Lee's employer.
And today I am encouraging him to get on yahoo so he can read church email lists. He sure hates doing that stuff. I hate having to encourage him do it. He doesn't like having to jump through hoops. I usually don't mind--do it once, and then you get years of email lists, I figure. But then, I also don't have someone out there snooping for my email address, interfering with my privacy and stuff.
Anyway, he looks cute in his suit.

1 comment:

Sam said...

He does look pretty dapper in a suit.

Doug doesn't like having to communicate using the computer too much. He resists emails and has never IM'd. Makes him happy though, I guess.

Still vibing for work for you!!!