It's been a pretty busy couple of days, and I need to go get busy on today, so I might have to write more later. Here's a photo of a lovely person who is not me, wearing a hat I made. My poor friend Fran could not believe I crocheted the hat without looking at it, but it was just going around and around at the time. The yarn is Noro Sakura, which has interesting little "wormy" things in it. A nice texture!
I am knitting away on my very green shawl for Diana. It really looks good and Faroese. I will have to take an "in progress" picture soon. Of course, the farther I go, the longer each row is. I only had to pull out two rows night before last, so not too much "backward" progress.
There has been lots of job progress. Networking is a happenin' and I found out about what may be a good Web job where another former church friend works. But, it seems it may be even more temporary than the job I already have lined up, but it was good to have something to have hope for! I will still see what happens. And I am still looking at things, so I will perhaps have a chance at something more permanent some day.
Wednesday was Suna Goes Shopping day (a Mall gift certificate was burning a hole in the ole wallet). Poor Dear Partner Fellow did a lot of sitting around. But, I got a wardrobe of comfortable and flattering things to wear in an office environment that look modern, not like an old lady. Mostly black, tan and a nice shade of red for accents. And TWO pairs of shoes. I love shoes. MMM. The last couple of times I had looked for stuff I had seen NOTHING that wasn't so tiny and skin revealing I would never feel comfortable in it, but this time, the NY&Co store had lots of reasonable items, even in petite lengths. AND I was a size 8. That always cheers me up. I do realize size 8 is probably what a 16 was in Mom's day, ha ha. We dropped by Target later, so poor Partner could buy something for HIM, and I discovered there a whole bunch of bras in MY size. That is really exciting to me, as I have a wide ribcage but not huge boobs. It is really hard to find 38A bras, and there were a bunch of them, plus nearly B, which is actually better. I got a couple of bras that are SO comfy. And it was Target, so I didn't spend too much.
Later I even did more shoe shopping, online, with Local Janet. It is fun to shop on IM.
Yesterday was a ton of fun, too, as Not Local Janet came up and we did knitting shopping, bought a picture frame, and hung out at the yarn store for a while. We had a blast, and everyone was laughing and laughing. I even made TWO people nearly spit out their beverages! (A humor triumph!) Even when she is having a midlife crisis, Janet cheers me up. She is so "down to earth" -- no wonder she was the Knight of Swords in my tarot journal!
After she headed back to scenic Seguin, I ran off to the home of a church lady, where she had gathered folks for my first independent knitting class. That went just super! I had SO much fun, and I think the ladies did, too. The hostess had nice food, and a great space for the class. All the new knitters ended up with nice chunks of completed washcloth, and the two who already knew how to knit each got new skills. One learned to purl and the other learned to read patterns and understand her knitting a bit better.
The best part of the evening was finding out that one of the ladies works with Our Farm, where Declan used to go--a lovely place for autistic, ADD, depressed etc., kids to go and work with animals. We had volunteered there one summer. I got to catch up on all the animals, and learned it is going through a bit of a crisis. You know me, I volunteered to help out. It would be so nice to have a local cause I care about to devote my volunteer energies too, now that there is a big hole in my volunteering heart.
More on all this later--I need to go have my fun day!
Anonymous said...
Wishing you strength of spirit as you journey through uncertain times. You have so many talents and it may take time until you feel secure again. Love yaBonnie from PS
Friday, June 30, 2006 12:15:00 PM
Suna said...
Thanks, Bonnie! It is always good to hear from you, and you are so kind to send nice notes in postal mail and the blog!
Friday, June 30, 2006 8:48:00 PM