There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Job Seeker Blog #4

After a pretty darned depressing morning, with me feeling bad about not getting that job and Lee being sick still, I rallied and went to today's interviews, which were with a company that does software for nonprofits.

It's funny that I interviewed at the place we moved down here for XH to work (sorta, it got eaten by Big Blue and moved offices), then today I interviewed in the place he last worked when he was here. Of course, that place was long ago eaten by another company, but the furniture is still there. Still a cool building and now next to shopping...

I interviewed at this place last year (I think or year before) but it has changed a lot. For the better! I really liked everyone I talked to, and honestly think I'd be a wonderful fit there--pretty much they were looking for me or a person very much like me. I did get a good feeling about it. And the benefits...ahhhh.

We'll just have to see how this one comes out but it does seem a bit better fit than some of the others. I like it as much as the Thursday place, and it has the advantage of not being about to move really far away. They just moved where they are now and have plenty of space. At least I still have a few viable options.

And of course, I applied for a bunch more today. Various degrees of fit. And because my self esteem is LOW I submitted myself to a contract position at ALE with bad pay (less than I made there before). But, one needs a backup.


nyjlm said...

glad to hear that the afternoon was better than the morning. I've got my fingers crossed for you and all kinds of good vibes headed out to you. Hang in there, you will get something- just the right thing.

Sam said...

HUGS and continued vibes!!