There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
You are very welcome here, so feel free to comment and contribute!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

What Friends Are For

So, last night I got to have dinner and hang out with two of my friends and one spouse-of-friend (SOF). We went and ate at the Austin-shabby-chic Artz Rib House, listened to music and talked. While Jeff and the SOF talked about music and recording with the random musician friend who also showed up, we females got to chat about whatever we wanted to, for once without having to type all the words. As nice as our email list is, and as convenient as our online chats can be, nothing substitutes for spending time together. And as I was thinking about it last night after they wended their way home, I realized the happiest I am these days is when I am with one or more of this lovely set of friends. I also get pretty happy with my few remaining former church friends, too. So, I am so grateful that one of them could come here from Iowa to attend South by Southwest, and the other could take time off from painting her cool rehabilitated house near Seguin to get together!

Today we went to the Interactive part of South by Southwest, where at the Exhibit Hall I met some folks I'd like to explore working with in the future, and learned about some interesting tools that might work for my current job and some of my clients, as well. Quite worth the $7 parking fee that mortified Jeff! Networking is fun. I also joined the Electronic Frontier Foundationbecause they seem to be doing good work, plus I got a cool t-shirt about supporting bloggers' rights.

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