There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Don't Like This Trend

Eww, I have been in a testy mood for more than a few days now. I normally don't stay testy for very long. Funny thing is that I find myself saying things to myself that I used to hear my former roommate say, like, "Do I have to do everything around here in order to do it right?" or "Am I the only person here who knows how to turn off a light?" At least I can laugh at myself and recognize that once again the thing that bothers me in someone else is a flaw I just might share, a wee bit. I am sure all this grumpiness and impatience with the frailties of others will pass. I am ready for it to pass NOW, dang it! Oh, that is impatient, isn't it?

Luckily the kids and Lee know I love them anyway.

And the Time Warner people know I do not love their poor customer support, incompetence and inability to communicate. Let's just say I managed to lose email access by upgrading my cable service. HUH? At one point some dude assured me that every time you change your service, for any reason, they take away your email accounts. Now, why on EARTH would they do that? Turns out that, no, that was not true. Someoen screwed up. I helped the final tech support person figure that out and how to fix it. Instead of eating dinner and visiting with aforementioned ever-grumpy former roommate (who is always pretty nice now that he just visits every so often, and brought me a bunch of new CDs).

So let's all think "Suna get tolerant" vibes. Let's end the trend NOW.

As for those new CDs:

Jeff is right--the new Bruce Springsteen, Magic, is mixed really oddly. Everything is all compressed and mushed together, so it's hard to tell him from the band, and the backup singers sound miles away. I will listen to it again--I didn't get to hear all the lyrics. What I did here seemed to be really sweet love songs. Better than Tom Joad. And yay, the whole band is there. I love that band.

The new John Fogerty, Revival, is a MUST buy if you are remotely tired of Your US President or That Britney Tramp. He has some really fun/funny/apt songs about them that are well worth listening to. And the first song. "Don't You Wish It Was True" is a lovely, lovely hymn to a vision of the future that should go in the UU hymnal. He still sounds strong and unique as ever. And there is killer rockabilly guitar. What's for Suna NOT to like?

The third one I have listened to most of the way through is the new Karen Mal CD. She is local (note prominent link to the Austin Connection podcast on her home page--she's been in my house!). I like her breathy Celtic stuff and her musicianship. And she's so ... pretty. But who cares, I like her songs and her interpretations of other people's songs. If you like Emmylou or Linda Ronstadt, you might want to check her out. I've heard most of the songs already live, so it's neat to hear how they come out on CD.

I still have two more CDs to listen to: Patti Scialfa ADA Mrs. Bruce and Beth Wood, a folkie I enjoy. More on them later.

Hmm, I thought I had nothing to blog about today. I'll practice not blogging LATER.

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