There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thinking Happy Thoughts

Green Hat
Originally uploaded by sunasak
First happy thought (which I will get to in a bit): I have certainly had a lot of hair looks. Here's one, from 2004. The short dark-haired effect with stripes. I grew my hair out when "someone" who lived at my house said I looked like a lesbian. Did I care if I looked like one? Not really--that was HIS stereotype, not mine (knowing plenty o' lesbians with lotsa hair and plenty with butch cuts, too). But his attitude had me irritated, so hair began to grow so he'd remember I was a heterosexual who wasn't going to be romantically involved with HIM any more. And thus began "roommate."

I digress. The happy thing is that, while I have liked my yellowish hair for 13 months now. I think I will do something different today. Perhaps more orange. Or burgundy. Only my sweet hairdresser man knows for sure what the plan is at this moment, but in 4 hours, so will I.

Photos will come. I just hope I don't end up with Tammy Wynette hair again.

The other happy thought is in honor of Coming Out Day. Because I am actually fond of my gay, lesbian and transgender friends, family members and acquaintances. I would love it if they had the same rights as I do. I will do what I can to help with this, such as pick who I vote for carefully, and make it clear that a primary reason I didn't want to marry again was that my gay and lesbian fellow humans are banned from doing so in this fine state. They deserve access to the same legal protections and legal obligations as anyone else. And the right to carry on a patriarchal institution is that's what they want (oh yeah, my OTHER reason for not liking the Institution of Marriage).

But , please read this nice article in today's local newspaper, which is what cheered me up. It is nice to see all kinds of people showing up to make it clear that all of us humans deserve the same rights. Good for you, nice people of Austin!

Best wishes to all, from the woman of many hair lengths and colors. I hope I sound slightly less grumpy. I applied for a different job today, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woops. Forgot that coming out thing. I didn't come out to anybody new. But I did make a small statement to a friend at work. I came in late because I stopped to get blood drawn for tests ordered after my annual physical. When I showed her my bandaid and told her I had blood drawn, she said, in jest, "Getting married?" I put my hand on her shoulder and deadpanned, "I can't get married in the state of Illinois, honey."