There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
You are very welcome here, so feel free to comment and contribute!

Monday, November 20, 2006

3 Things, which Barbara Says Is a Meme

Once again, I mined the depths of Barbara's blog to come up with something to put in that is fun. And again, not sure how they mean "meme" here, but here's what it usually means:

a unit of cultural information transferable from one mind to another

In any case, I like to think about stuff like this.

Three Things I Do Every Day:
-draw a tarot card
-knit something
-drink coffee

Three Things I Wish I Could Do Every Day:
-do something fun with a friend

Three Hopes I Have for Today:
-do something fun with Work Man
-get some good writing done at work
-enjoy Younger Son's band concert

Three Things I Hear:
-keys clicking
-a lady helping a person process their ALE gift card
-Linda Ronstadt on the MP3 player

Three Ways I Have Changed my Life:
-I have learned not to give my heart and soul to any job
-I have stopped looking for happily ever after
-I have really assimilated the fact that everyone has something they can teach me

Three People I Wish I Could See Again:

Three Items I Wish I Owned:
-a yarn store, with someone else to run it
-a house on a quiet lake (no jet skis)
-a really comfortable chair

Three Wishes I Had When I Was Young:
-to own a pony
-to become an AA Fuel Dragster driver
-to be a witch

Three Fears I Have:
-one of my kids having something bad happen to them
-motorcycles (hoping to cure myself of that one)

Three Things on My Desk:
-MP3 player
-memory stick with funny party pix on it
-fresh coffee from downstairs

Three Thoughts in My Mind:
-deal positively with the job situation however it comes out
-keep enjoying my new friendship however that works out
-what to get the family for Christmas


Barbara said... how fun - I was wondering what Meme meant - thanks for looking it up. I clearly just copied it from someone else. :) hey, it looks like you got at least one wish come true.Tuesday, November 21, 2006 10:49:00 PM

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