There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
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Monday, November 6, 2006

Walking Away Socks

Yay, I got the picture to show up. These are my latest creations. I'd hoped to link them to yesterday's post, but no such luck. These went really fast--were finished in ten days. That's because I used sport-weight yarn (it's what Joslyn sent to use on that pattern). There are three choices on this pattern, and I chose this one because it looked different. I like the socks a lot, though the front is a bit boring--just K1P1 ribbing. Made me glad once more to be a continental knitter! The back is bumpy, which doesn't really show up well. It sorta reminds me of a spine.

I must say I enjoyed not having to make a heel flap, and since I wear so many clogs and Birks, I am sure I will wear these a lot, if I have something that is purple and pink (oh sure, so much of THAT in my wardrobe). Another interesting thing about these socks, which you can see on it's Flikr photos (click the link in the sidebar), is that the toe is what I think they call a "star" toe, but I could be wrong. You K6 K2tog, then knit 6 rows, then k5 K2tog and knit 5 rows, etc., until you get to K2tog all around, where you pull the stitches together. This toe is not horribly exciting to look at but it gives you wiggle room and is quite comfy.

That's it on the socks. On to the roads. Once again, 12 minutes to work this morning. I can get used to that. I am not happy that they built all these toll roads around here, that they are so high, and that they are owned by some Mexican company, and blah blah. But, If I save 20 minutes a day, times 5 days a week, that is an hour and a half of free time I win. And I save gas not driving through all the roads with stop lights. DP really hates the road. He also has a LOT of time to spend sitting in traffic. And luckily, the other roads are clearer now that some of the cars are on other roads. Some of my work colleagues who live farther out are saving up to a half hour.

PS: I think I hit "post" before finishing yesterday's epic. If by any chance I cut off a sentence about you personally, I didn't mean to! I got all interrupted.

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