There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving (US) Wishes

Yes, I know some of you aren't in the US (hi Sam and "Knittingwoman"!).

It was probably a good thing to have a nice, boring American holiday today, since I have been having the most emotionally intense week since I can remember.

Everything was nice and normal today, other than my poor sister being really sick--but she was a trouper and helped me cook the fine and delicious meal. We had a nice time talking about our jobs and lives. Nice to be getting along well with her. And she and DP got on fine--he helped her with a new camera. It was my most stress-free holiday in ages. The whole family was fine and charming, though I am slightly worried that the corgi's eyes may be hurting her.

I've had some nice talks with friends in the past two days, in IM or phone, and I am so grateful for modern conveniences like that--you need to keep up with the lives and families of people who matter to you (so send vibes for NJ's father-in-law). Phones and stuff mean you don't get cut off from important people for days on end. Mostly. OK, so Work Man went away for 5 days. I'll have to be strong, ha ha.

In knitting excitement, I finally ended the body of my silk garden sweater, which I now declare to be a tunic. They are in fashion. The border is a seed stitch stripe. It looks nice, I think. On to arms!!! Tomorrow I hope to spend quite a bit of time at the yarn store working on it, and getting some stuff on sale--I'll need more border yarn and probably more silk garden, which I reserved.

I hope your day was wonderful, readers!

translation: I did not talk to Lee over the Thanksgiving holiday until Sunday. I did email him a few times and he emailed me. But not much. I had no clue what he was thinking about or planning. I didn't know WHAT I was going to do, just that I wished he wasn't gone.


Sam said...
Happy Thanksgiving! I am glad you had a good day. I love reading about how other people celebrate holidays.Take care(and HUGS for your broken ring!! I know how I feel when my fingers are in such bad shape that I can't wear mine and it's sad.)
Friday, November 24, 2006 2:17:00 PM

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