There's More to Life Than Knitting!

Join Suna as she stops knitting long enough to ponder her life, share her joys and concerns, and comment on the goings on in the world.
You are very welcome here, so feel free to comment and contribute!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Nervous Stuff; Send in the Vibes

It's been a mixed bag so far, today. On the plus side, I really have gotten a lot of work done, and it has been good and interesting work. And Work Man managed to come by for lunch while he was doing errands (he's on vacation). The dog is fine, by the way :-)

Less good has been yet another issue with our networks, which messed up how super-dee-duper productive I had planned on being today--I could have revised/rewritten a whole document if I hadn't suddenly become unable to get to the files.

Worst has been the fact that rumors about the job decision being made soon were flying all day, so the Work Boys and I were in nervous states (Genia and Chatty K were both not here). Work Boy #1 found out he didn't get a chance to interview, and we were all bummed about that. But still hope more opportunities arise. Then, the personnel dude came by and took Work Boy #2 away. That didn't do my already very painful stomach much good at all. Poor #1 had to listen to a bit of paranoia from me, but he was good about it. However, when #2 came back, it turned out that the personnel dude had only dropped by to let him know that they weren't quite ready to make the offer! All that worry for naught! But he did say it would be later today (I doubt THIS much later today) or tomorrow.

So, I will be out of this job angst misery one way or the other tomorrow. That's good, since I need to move on to other issues. I hope all these issues will lead me to be a happy camper, so send the vibes today!

Next I get to go sing with my lovely singing boys. That will at least take my mind off stuff.

translation: moving on to other issues means the couple thing.


Barbara said...
I'm crossing everything I've got, and rubbing my ring, too. hugs to you while you wait. :)
Monday, November 27, 2006 9:17:00 PM
Sam said...
Ring rubbing is happening here too!!!HUGS
Monday, November 27, 2006 10:26:00 PM

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